Friday, September 14, 2007

Keeping Up with the Jetsons

Our lives got a little more technologically savvy this week with the arrival of Scott's new laptop. I had fussed all summer over the darn thing. Comparing weekly ad circulars, doing internet searches, asking advice and soliciting opinions. When I finally was ready to buy, I found that the laptop of my dreams was NO LONGER available anywhere. (I blame the back to school crowd for the deficit in laptops this month)

So I had to start my search all over. We ended up getting a computer that has a little more horsepower than we actually need. Well, at least it has more bells and whistles than we actually need. Supposedly it can be used for kareoke, but I'm not sure. Also, we are supposed to be able to watch live television and record it too, but I can't figure that feature out either.

I'm a far cry from my 18 year-old self - the one who subscribed to the inaugural issue of Wired magazine, was on the internet before it had any images, and talked to folks in IRC chat rooms. I'm not sure what happened to me, but I definitely did not keep up with the changing technology.

When I met Scott, he was just a little better than a luddite. His telephone was a vintage 1930s rotary dial, and he was somewhat skeptical of the internet. Of course all that has changed somewhat, but we are still behind the technology curve. We don't have ipods or mp3 players, although I am mighty intrigued by them.

At least now we have Red Menace and the Snapper to keep us up to date. Some of the current baby toys employ so much technology that its scary. And RM is entering into the age when Christmas lists go from action figues and board games to cell phones and ipods. I'm not complaining mind you, I fully intend to get him to help me figure out the features on this #&@!* laptop.


LaLa said...

I got a new laptop too! When you figure out how yours works, could you let me know? I've got the on/off figured out, but I don't know when to hit 'Rewind' or how to tune the aerial...

Zay said...

i'm in the new laptop club too!