Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Golden Casket

I just got home from the fabulous FOUND tour at Millard's Crossing. It was an exceptional way to spend the evening. Scott looked dashing in his M.C. outfit, I wore non-maternity jeans (whoo0hoo) and I got to see skads of my favorite people. The Snapper spent the evening with the grandparents. A wonderful time was had by all!

During Davy Rothbart's presentation, I got to thinking about this picture I took the other day. I was on University Drive, and I pulled up behind this truck that seemed to be hauling a Golden Casket. I've been wondering what the story was with this thing...any ideas??


Stacey said...

I don't know what I'm more impressed by... the picture itself or the fact that you TOOK the picture! Where do you keep your camera? By your side at all times? :)
I wonder if it was for a play or something?

Mary T-Allen said...

Actually, I pre-ordered this for when J.P. kills me. I want to go in style at least.

Charlene said...

Gosh Chaybee.... it's a Christmas present!!!!!