Friday, September 12, 2008

Hunker down now Y'all...

I'm interested in where the term hunker down originates from. I don't recall hearing it much outside of old war movies until we waited out Hurricane Rita last time. Even thought the digital sign at Walgreens' consistently reminds us to by a NOAA weather radio for only $29.99, we still only have our regular old battery operated AM/FM deal. During Rita, we all came into the front living room, turned the radio on and listened as announcers took calls all over East Texas from those who were hunkering down. A typical call went like this..

Announcer: "Howdy, you are on KFROG FM. What's it like where you are?"
Caller: "Well Sammy Bob, the missus and I are hunkered down here in Broaddus. We're at my Aunt Lil's watching the pine trees snap like toothpicks at a Catfish King"

Since NPR had abandoned the airwaves we were stuck with *gasp* E. Texas commercial radio during the duration of Rita..Caller after caller noted how they were "hunkering down".

This time around I'm making sure we have all the essentials:

batteries - check
flashlights -check
diapers - check
Books 3 & 4 of Twillight - double check

I can't think of anything else we'd need to hunker down...


Mary T-Allen said...

The amount of times I have heard the verb "hunker" today versus ever else in my life

80,564,789: 3

Double, double check on the Twilight books (and I've already read them!). Bring it, Ike!

LaLa said...

How did the hunkering go? We got rain and I even lost power briefly on Saturday, but it looked on the maps as if you guys would have had a LOT of hunkering down to do! Hope you're well and that the Doche came through it all safely.