Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Thanks to everyone who has sent emails asking about how my dad is. He's been in pretty good spirits, but it is hard to keep it up when you are in a hospital bed. Right now we are in a holding pattern. He has a strep infection, and something called cellulitis. We are really hoping that the anti-biotics will take hold and get rid of all those strep monsters.

I've been pretty stressed with work and school. We have some big deadlines coming up on my Alaska project - so its been hard to stay focused on that with all that's going on. The Old Snapper has been really fussy lately too, I think she can feel the stress that we are all going through.

The good news.. tomorrow is a new day!


Zay said...

Chay, I have been thinking about you and your family. I've been sending good vibes your dad's way and will continue to do so.


KB said...

That's how we start our day at the school I work ... "today is a new day". I love it. It looks like you already know it though.

I wish I were there to take the snapper off your hands for a little bit and help ease the stress. I love me some babies.